Saturday, May 21, 2011

Morning After 2nd Fraxel Treatment

All together now: RED (lol)

This is the morning after my second fraxel treatment. I am more red than last time, but have about the same amount of swelling. The Biafin was applied immediately after the procedure and I think it helped so much to take away that initial burning. It doesn't take it away, but it diminishes it tremendously.

The doctor went up to the highest level of strength on my cheek areas because I tolerated the procedure so well and honestly it was no worse than the first one at a lesser strength. I feel fine but my eyes are watering a lot! lol I am guessing it is due to the swelling around my eyes.

The texture of my skin was completely different after just the first treatment and just has continued to improve as the weeks have gone by so I can hardly wait to see the results of this one!

This afternoon my skin is already feeling scaly. It took several days for this to happen the first time. Think I might start peeling tomorrow.

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