Friday, April 20, 2012

This pic was taken yesterday, which was April 19th, 2012. My skin continues to improve and I am very happy I had the procedure done. VERY happy with the results! I have used extreme caution and not been in direct sunlight for more than 15 minutes at a time and wear sunblock SPF 100 (Nuetrogena for Face). Loving it!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

4th Fraxel Treatment Day 5

Okay folks....4th and last fraxel treatment day 5. This one has been a bit rougher than the others. My skin is still really scaley and not smooth. This is me in the raw (with the exception of eyes and lips). Usually on the third week is when I can really start seeing a major difference. My skin starts getting really smooth....but then it is time to go get it done again! I will continue to post pics and do a before and after in a few weeks when more of the collagen has filled in. That's all for now. Thanks for following along!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

4th Fraxel Treatment Day II

Well, I know I seem like I am sad or something in this pic, but I am actually just swollen all over my face and pretty red. My nose is peeling and my eyes look offset due to the swelling. Not so flattering folks! Anyways, I am very excited that all the treatments are behind me. I have an appointment in a month to see how all this has worked and to see if I might get additional help with the scars that did not heal so well. It is supposed to take 6 months after the last treatment to get full results so I am excited to move forward.
I can see overall good results. I will post side by side pics in a week or so. I can see marked improvements in the scarring and my overall texture of skin is completely different.
Stay tuned for more photos. I hope this blogging has helped others who may be considering this treatment for whatever reason they are choosing. :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

3rd Fraxel Treatment Day 2

This is day 2 after my third fraxel treatment. I wish these pics did my face justice, but they just don't. I look really brown today and if you get up close you can see the skin is very dry and looking like it is about to peel, but I don't. I am still swollen generalized so I don't really smile much in the right afte pics. By day three the swelling is down and the redness has almost gone away; or at least enough to cover it up with make up to go to work.

I will post daily pics this week. Donna

Saturday, June 18, 2011

3rd Fraxel Treatment Day After

Well, I had my 3rd fraxel treatment done yesterday afternoon. It went well. It is getting more tolerable each time because I know what to expect. I count the passes over my face and know how many I have left and the sequence in which they fall. That seems to distract me during the treatment. I uploaded a pic and it is not that good because you can't see the swelling and redness too much. My eyes are puffy today underneath and around my mouth. Generalized redness, as usual.

This will be my weekend to stay indoors until work on Monday. I just keep the make up off my face and wash it three times a day and apply my creams for the first few days. Can't really do this three times a day while working though so it goes down to two times a day during the week.

My skin feels scaly today but that is normal. So far so good! I will take daily pics this time since my phone got replaced and I have a camera that is compatable with this site. That's all to report today!