Monday, April 11, 2011

72 Hours after First Fraxel Treatment

Okay, this is me in the raw! I am having a hard time getting good lighting for some reason but I tried to do a close up as much as possible without freaking anyone out! My face was red all day but less so this afternoon. I am very itchy. If you look at my chin and going up one side of my cheek you can see brown areas. This is the skin that is dying and hopefully about to peel off.

I did as I said I would for work. Went in and closed my door and mini blinds. Everyone was really considerate. They started closing their too! lol  Of course as luck would have it they had a meeting in the conference room and couldn't get a connection to the internet and needed my help. Ug! So, I had to come out of my shell and help.

I took a care kit to work with me. It had my face wash, wash cloths, prescription cream, lotion, and SPF 45 Sunblock. I used it all day today so I am really greasy. My hair is greasy. Yuk. While I was washing my face the skin started to come off! Yah! I will be glad when I finally do the peel and get it over with. It looks like I am growing a beard or something. My face is really itchy too.

I will upload another pic tomorrow. That's all for now, folks!


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